Accepted Papers

Accepted papers of IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology

  • Volume 2017, Issue 2
  • Volume 2017, Issue 3
  • Volume 2017, Issue 4
  • Volume 2018, Issue 1
  1. On Efficient Constructions of Lightweight MDS Matrices

    Lijing Zhou, Licheng Wang, Yiru Sun

  2. Short Non-Malleable Codes from Related-Key Secure Block Ciphers

    Serge Fehr, Pierre Karpman, Bart Mennink

  3. Distinguishing Attack on NORX Permutation

    Tao Huang, Hongjun Wu

  4. Revisiting and Improving Algorithms for the 3XOR Problem

    Charles Bouillaguet, Claire Delaplace, Pierre-Alain Fouque

  5. Frequency-smoothing encryption: preventing snapshot attacks on deterministically-encrypted data

    Marie-Sarah Lacharité, Kenneth G. Paterson

  6. SoK: Functional Graph and Its Applications in Generic Attacks on Iterated Hash Constructions

    Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Lei Wang

  7. State-Recovery Attacks on Modified Ketje Jr

    Thomas Fuhr, María Naya-Plasencia, Yann Rotella

  8. Searching for Subspace Trails and Truncated Differentials

    Gregor Leander, Cihangir Tezcan, Friedrich Wiemer

  9. Multivariate Profiling of Hulls for Linear Cryptanalysis

    Andrey Bogdanov, Elmar Tischhauser, Philip S. Vejre

  10. On the generalization of Butterfly Structure

    Yongqiang Li, Shizhu Tian, Yuyin Yu, Mingsheng Wang

  11. Key-Recovery Attacks on Full Kravatte

    Colin Chaigneau, Thomas Fuhr, Henri Gilbert, Jian Guo, Jérémy Jean, Jean-René Reinhard, Ling Song

  12. Column Parity Mixers

    Ko Stoffelen, Joan Daemen

  13. Revisiting Variable Output Length XOR Pseudorandom Function

    Srimanta Bhattacharya, Mridul Nandi