Rump session proceedings

You can find the proceedings of FSE2018's rump session here.

Rump session (18:30 - 21:00)

We wish to draw your attention to the Rump Session of FSE 2018 that will already take place on the first evening of the conference, namely Monday March 5 and the deadline for submitting is on that same day at noon. For reasons explained below, submitting to the Rump session will be more rewarding than ever before.

In 2017, FSE changed its publication model to a dual conference/journal system, with the proceedings of the conference being replaced by the issues of the Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC), a newly established trimestrial journal.

In order to follow suit, the rump session of FSE will undergo a similar transformation. Starting from FSE 2018, rump session presentations will be published in the brand new Transactions on the kind of Cryptology that is Symmetric (ToCS). Building on the well-established reputation of the FSE rump session, ToCS intends to become the premiere venue for publishing high quality conference announcements, last-minute cryptanalysis results, papers unfairly rejected from competing journals or conferences, and otherwise funny talks. ToCS is a gold open-access journal, published in electronic form on the easy-to-find webpages of its co-editors-in-chief. You may include the corresponding publications in the "journal publications" section of your CV, if you split out your journal and conference publications, although we decline any responsibility if this proves to be detrimental to your career.

In order to support the cost of moving to this new publication model, ToCS has been forced to accept the generous sponsorship of a few well-funded third-parties (that wish to remain anonymous and want it to be known that the NSA is not one of them). As a consequence, every speaker at the rump session will be required to make a brief anouncement on behalf of one of the sponsors.

Second note:
The generous donations of our sponsors allow us to award a few prizes for the best rump session contributions in the following five categories:

  • Grand ToCS Prize for the most entertaining talk
  • De Cannière/Mendel Award for the fanciest slides, including Tikz pictures and special effects
  • Intel Prize for the presentation revealing the weakness that requires most urgent immediate real-world intervention
  • Desmedt Trophy for the best dance moves/fancy footwork/X factor
  • ToSC Rump Recognition Memorial for the presentation-that-everyone-thought-would-be-boring-but-you-managed-to-make-it-funny,-well-done!

Submission instructions

The deadline for ToCS submissions is 2018-03-05T1200+0100. This is a firm deadline.

To submit a paper, send the slides of your presentation to the co-editors-in-chief: Joan Daemen and Pierre Karpman, along with its requested duration.