Card Game
is a succession of mini-games where all players play at the same moment. You can play them in any order you wish or only play the ones you prefer. The player who has won the most mini-games wins!
Look for example at the three cards below. Between the two left cards, the only shared symbol is the ``Meet-in-the-Middle'' symbol, while the two on the right shares the "Cloud" symbol.
Authors: Jérémy Jean, Virginie Lallemand and Friedrich Wiemer.
Rules of the Mini-Games
Game #1: The Tower
Deal one card face-down to each player. The rest of the cards forms the draw pile face-up. Players all flip over their cards and then try to spot the one shared symbol between their own card and the top of the draw pile. If you are the first player to do so call it out (e.g., ``Even-Mansour!''). Then take the center card, place it face-up on top of your personal pile, and continue with this card. The player who collected the most cards when the draw pile is empty wins.
Game #2: The Well
Place one card face-up in the middle of the table. Deal the remaining cards evenly face-up to all the players. If you are the first player to spot the identical symbol on both your top card and the center card, call it out and place your card on top of the center card. It becomes the new center card for which players try to identify a match. You now have a new card revealed on your personal pile to match to the center card. Play continues until all the cards are in the middle.
Game #3: Hot Potato
Deal a single card face-up to each player. The card must be held flat in the palm of a steady hand. If you spot a matching symbol between your card and another player's card, call it out (e.g., ``Bob!''), and place your card face-up on top of the other player's card. If you have two or more cards in your hand only look at your top card. When you spot it, give all your cards to the player who has the match. Play is repeated in this manner until one player has all the cards, and another round is played with the rest of the deck. The player with the least amount of cards in his pile wins.
Game #4: The Poisoned Gift
Deal one card face-up to each player. The remaining cards are placed face-up in the middle and form the draw pile. Players look for a match between the center card and any of the other players' cards. If you spot a match, call it out (e.g., ``Enigma!''), take the center card and place it on top of this player's pile. The draw pile hence reveals a new card and play continues until it is empty. The player with the fewest number of cards wins.