31st Fast Software Encryption Conference

March 17-21, 2025

Rome, Italy

Paper Submission

FSE 2025 will include papers from four issues of Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC). Information on the important dates for each issue are below.

ToSC, Volume 2024, Issue 2

Mar 1 2024

Submission deadline

Apr 5 2024

Rebuttal period begins

Apr 9 2024

Rebuttal period ends

May 1 2024


May 28 2024

Camera-ready deadline for all accepted and conditionally accepted papers

ToSC, Volume 2024, Issue 3

Jun 1 2024

Submission deadline

Jul 5 2024

Rebuttal period begins

Jul 9 2024

Rebuttal period ends

Aug 1 2024


Aug 28 2024

Camera-ready deadline for all accepted and conditionally accepted papers

ToSC, Volume 2024, Issue 4

Sep 1 2024

Submission deadline

Oct 4 2024

Rebuttal period begins

Oct 8 2024

Rebuttal period ends

Nov 1 2024


Nov 28 2024

Camera-ready deadline for all accepted and conditionally accepted papers

ToSC, Volume 2025, Issue 1

Nov 22 2024

Submission deadline

Jan 3 2025

Rebuttal period begins

Jan 7 2025

Rebuttal period ends

Jan 23 2025


Feb 20 2025

Camera-ready deadline for all accepted and conditionally accepted papers

Instructions for Authors

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published in a journal or a conference/workshop with proceedings, or has submitted/is planning to submit before the author notification deadline to a journal or other conferences/workshops that have proceedings. Accepted submissions maynot appear in any other conference or workshop that has proceedings. IACR reserves the right to share information about submissions with other program committees and editorial boards to detect parallel submissions and they will be strictly enforced. IACR policy on irregular submissions

The submission must be written in English and be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Submissions should be typeset in the iacrtrans LATEX class, available on Github. The class documentation includes examples and instructions to easily convert a paper written with the llncs class.

The page limit for regular papers is 20 pages excluding bibliography. Authors are encouraged to include supplementary material that can assist reviewers in verifying the validity of the results at the end of the paper. Supplementary material that does not require extra reviewing effort (such as test values, source code, or charts) will be published with the paper, but are not included in the page count. However, material that requires careful reviewing (such as proofs of the main theorems) will be included in the page count, even if they are written as appendices.

If authors believe that more details are essential to substantiate the claims of their paper or to provide proofs, they can submit a longer paper (with no page limit); this should be indicated by ending the title with "(Long Paper)" for the submission. For long papers of up to 40 pages, the decision may be deferred to the next round at the discretion of the editors-in-chief (and to the next FSE if submitted in November). For papers longer than 40 pages, the first round of review may be dedicated only to evaluating whether thelength of the papers is justified by the scientific contribution. Moreover, the decision may be deferred by one or more rounds at the discretion of the editors-in-chief.

Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

The IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology journal only accepts electronic submissions in PDF format. A detailed description of the electronic submission procedure is available on the ToSC submission page. The authors of submitted papers guarantee that their paper will be presented at the FSE 2023 conference if it is accepted.

In order to improve the quality of the review process, authors will be given the opportunity to enter a rebuttal between the indicated dates, after receiving the reviews.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors, program committee members, and reviewers must follow the IACR Policy on Conflicts of Interest, available from https://www.iacr.org/docs/.

In particular, the authors of each submission are asked during the submission process to identify all members of the Program Committee who have an automatic conflict of interest (COI) with the submission. A reviewer1 has an automatic COI with an author if:

A reviewer has an automatic COI with a submission if:

Any further COIs of importance should be separately disclosed. It is the responsibility of all authors to ensure correct reporting of COI information. Submissions with incorrect or incomplete COI information may be rejected without consideration of their merits.

COIs are not restricted to automatic ones, others being possible. COIs beyond automatic COIs could involve financial, intellectual, or personal interests. Examples include closely related technical work, cooperation in the form of joint projects or grant applications, business relationships, close personal friendships, instances of personal enmity. Full transparency is of utmost importance, authors and reviewers must disclose to the chairs or editor any circumstances that they think may create bias, even if it does not raise to the level of a COI. The editor or program chair will decide if such circumstances should be treated as a COI.

1 Reviewers include program committee members for conference publications, editorial board members for journal publications (Journal of Cryptology) and journal-conference hybrid publications (ToSC and TCHES), sub-reviewers, referees for journal publications, and individuals doing ad hoc reviews for a program chair or editor
2 Sharing an institutional affiliation means working at the same location/campus of the same company/university. It does not include separate universities of the same system nor distant locations of the same company.
3 Jointly authored work refers to jointly authored papers and books, whether formally published or just posted online, resulting from collaboration on a scientific problem. It usually does not include joint editorial functions, like a jointly edited proceedings volume. For online publication, the first posting (not revisions) is the relevant date. Multiple versions of a paper (conference, ePrint, journal) count as a single paper.
4 Immediate family members include at least parents, children, siblings, spouse, or significant other.
5 The date relevant for a paper in submission is the date when it was submitted.