31st Fast Software Encryption Conference

March 17-21, 2025

Rome, Italy

FSE Test of Time Award

The FSE Test of Time Award is given yearly. An award will be given in year X to honor a paper published at FSE/ToSC in year X-15 which has had a lasting impact on the field.

More information can be found at Test-of-Time Award.

Current Test-of-Time Awards

Test-of-Time Award for FSE 2010

Super-Sbox Cryptanalysis: Improved Attacks for AES-Like Permutations
Henri Gilbert and Thomas Peyrin

Test-of-Time Award for FSE 2009

The Rebound Attack: Cryptanalysis of Reduced Whirlpool and Grøstl
Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger, Martin Schläffer and Søren S. Thomsen

Test-of-Time Award for FSE 2008

A Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 8-Round AES
Huseyin Demirci and Ali Aydin Selçuk

Test-of-Time Award for FSE 2007

The 128-bit Blockcipher CLEFIA
Taizo Shirai, Kyoji Shibutani, Toru Akishita, Shiho Moriai, and Tetsu Iwata

Test-of-Time Award for FSE 2006

New Blockcipher Modes of Operation with Beyond the Birthday Bound Security
Tetsu Iwata